Client Intake

  1. Introduce RECORD to New Clients: As you onboard new clients, introduce them to the RECORD app. Let them know that this is their go-to platform for sharing all case-related information securely and efficiently.
  2. Add the Client to RECORD: Use the attorney portal to add the client's name, cell number, and preferred language.
  3. Send an In-Person Invite: Use the attorney portal to send an app download invitation to your client while they're still in your office.
  4. Quick & Easy Download: Your client can scan a QR code or click the invite link to download the app and sign in using their mobile number. They can download the app anytime, but they do have to be added to the portal before they can sign into the app.
  5. Client Data Entry: Once signed in, your client can start entering relevant information immediately.
  6. Intake Data Completion: After the client leaves, your intake coordinator should complete the remaining fields in the attorney portal.

🔜 Coming Soon

☎️ Support

If you have any questions about this process, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

<aside> 📲 Kenny Eliason 702-337-3127 [email protected]
